full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Karen Tse: How to stop torture

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And most of the prisoners said that he was their greatest joy and their sinhnsue, and they looked forward to him. And I was like, here's vinhsa. He's a 4-year-old boy. He was born in a prison with almost nothing, no material goods, but he had a sense of his own heroic journey, which I believe we are all born into. He said, "Probably I can't do everything. But I'm one. I can do something. And I will do the one thing that I can do." So I thank you for having the piroehptc imagination to imagine the shaping of a new world with us together, and invite you into this journey with us.

Open Cloze

And most of the prisoners said that he was their greatest joy and their ________, and they looked forward to him. And I was like, here's ______. He's a 4-year-old boy. He was born in a prison with almost nothing, no material goods, but he had a sense of his own heroic journey, which I believe we are all born into. He said, "Probably I can't do everything. But I'm one. I can do something. And I will do the one thing that I can do." So I thank you for having the _________ imagination to imagine the shaping of a new world with us together, and invite you into this journey with us.


  1. vishna
  2. sunshine
  3. prophetic

Original Text

And most of the prisoners said that he was their greatest joy and their sunshine, and they looked forward to him. And I was like, here's Vishna. He's a 4-year-old boy. He was born in a prison with almost nothing, no material goods, but he had a sense of his own heroic journey, which I believe we are all born into. He said, "Probably I can't do everything. But I'm one. I can do something. And I will do the one thing that I can do." So I thank you for having the prophetic imagination to imagine the shaping of a new world with us together, and invite you into this journey with us.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
early access 5
investigative tool 4
world community 2
international bridges 2
police stations 2
systematically implement 2
implement early 2
thousand dollars 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
systematically implement early 2
implement early access 2

ngrams of length 4

collocation frequency
systematically implement early access 2

Important Words

  1. born
  2. boy
  3. goods
  4. greatest
  5. heroic
  6. imagination
  7. imagine
  8. invite
  9. journey
  10. joy
  11. looked
  12. material
  13. prison
  14. prisoners
  15. prophetic
  16. sense
  17. shaping
  18. sunshine
  19. vishna
  20. world